Terms of use
Effective date March 15th, 2017
1. Introduction
The following terms of use and privacy policy apply to the use of the apps of Blitzer.de, Blitzer.de PLUS and Blitzer.de PRO (hereafter „Blitzer.de“, “app(s)”) and bind a contract you („user“, „you“) and Eifrig Media GmbH („we“, „us“). By using our services you accept our terms. If you download our app from an app store, your use is additionally subject to the respective store terms of service.
We are entitled to change these terms at any time and without advance notice. The changes are effective with their publication on this page. We recommend to visit this page regularly. Your subsequent use of the app will be seen as an acceptance of these changes.
2. Safe app usage on the road
The traffic information contained in the app are to be seen as additional information while driving. First, they are meant to help increase the road safety on the roads you’re driving on. Second, they shall create the opportunity to bypass traffic obstructions. For your own safety you agree to:
a) give your full attention to the traffic in front of you with the aim of preserving the safety of other drivers
b) rely on your own judgement and perception
c) not perceive the app alerts as substitute for abiding traffic rules
d) not interact with the app during driving but in compliance with traffic regulations only in a still vehicle
3. Privacy policy
Here you can find our Privacy Policy for this platform. It is part of our Terms of Use.
4. Possible limitations of our services
We make it our priority to provide traffic data of the best possible quality twenty-four-seven. However, we cannot rule out temporary disruptions that are beyond our scope of influence.
First, your mobile coverage might be insufficient to allow database and map updates. On the other hand, we cannot provide an absolute guarantee for a flawlessness of our data. Our data are subject to continuous change as are the real traffic conditions. The reflection of this reality in form of our database can only occur with a slight temporal delay. We are not liable for possibly resulting financial loss or other damages of any kind. The use of our app is at your own risk.
5. Software license and the protection of our data
If you agree to these terms of use you’ll receive a non-exclusive, non-transferrable license that authorizes you to download the apps onto your smartphone and to use the app services for private use only. Apart from this limited license all intellectual property shall remain the exclusive property of Eifrig Media GmbH. Accordingly, it is strictly forbidden to:
a) pass on our app to other third party‘s devices via networks
b) use our services to fulfill services for or in the name of third parties
c) transfer the user’s rights specified here to any third parties (incl. rental, sublicense, assignment)
d) try to sell our apps in any way
e) attempt to duplicate our apps
f) try to get glimpses into the technical workings of the apps, e.g. structure, setup, ideas, source code and algorithms (incl. decompilation, disassembling, reverse engineering)
g) omit or elimiate the security die safety measures in the app
h) produce altered versions of our services
i) use our brands, labels and brand products without our written consent
j) use our traffic information and data in any way without our written consent or lisense
6. Possible changes to our apps
We are authorized to change our app or remove app funtions without any advance notice. Changes are provided with a new version of the app. Please note the release notes for any new version before installing it. In case you want to continue using an older version of the app, the app functions might be constrained. We recommend to always use the latest version of the app.
7. Cost
For the use of the premium features of the Blitzer.de PLUS and PRO apps a one-time payment must be made at download. Tis license is bound to the ID used for the purchase and the app store the purchase was made in. If your service provider allows it, your database can be updated even while on the road. The cost for the downloads depend on your contract with the service provider. Please inform yourself about the conditions of your service provider.
8. Contact termination
You can terminate the contact by uninstalling the app from your phone. In case we terminate our services your right of use ends with the moment of the service termination. In this case we would give you an advance notice.
9. Validity of these terms
If one of these terms is declared ineffective, illegal or unexecutable, the remaining terms will still be enforceable.
10. Conslusion
In case of any questions or remarks to these terms please write an email to info@blitzer.de or by mail to Eifrig Media GmbH, Blitzer.de customer service, Neumann-Reichardt-Straße 27, 22041 Hamburg, Germany
We’re glad you find our traffic information useful and thank you for your participation in our community!
Have a safe trip with us by your side! Your Blitzer.de team.